These are the adventures of the Newsome girls and Big Daddy Tripp.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
New Traditions
For a long time now, when my parents come into town, my Dad goes to Starbucks on Sundays and gets a Frappacino (?sp) for everyone who has been good over the weekend. (Sometimes that means no one deserves one!) Ella loves it. She gets a sugar-free, decaf, hazelnut frap-no whip. Well, she and Daddy have started going to Starbucks on Sundays before church. He loves showing her off. Well, today we ALL ventured to Starbucks for drinks and lemon poundcake. We learned sad new today, Pa. They will no longer be making decaf frappacinos. No frap for Ella. She has enough energy. They found some other frozen vanilla drink for her to become addicted to.
I'm a pulmonologist in Columbia, SC and have two daughters, Ella and Sophia. My crazy husband, Tripp, is a CPA and Iraqi Freedom vet. We have wonderful families and a super nanny that we could not live without!
1 comment:
Sad times!! No decaf! I love the girls Halloween costumes. Soooo cute. We all have to get together soon! Miss you guys!
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