These are the adventures of the Newsome girls and Big Daddy Tripp.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Snow?? Barely!
Well, in typical South Carolina fashion, just the thought of snow made everyone freak out and cancel like every school in the state. We did actually get snow, but it didn't stick much at our house. At least the girls got to play in it a little bit. Sophia looks like she just stood there on the deck and looked around! Thanks to Supernanny for taking the pics. It was super cold from about 11-2 pm, then warmed up again. I say super cold, but I mean that in the South Carolina sense of the phrase. Not the Chicago, NY, Maine type of cold!
I'm a pulmonologist in Columbia, SC and have two daughters, Ella and Sophia. My crazy husband, Tripp, is a CPA and Iraqi Freedom vet. We have wonderful families and a super nanny that we could not live without!
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