Thursday, January 29, 2009


We are still here...just recovering from yet another stomach bug. Actually, I think Ella probably actually had some kind of bacterial enteritis from something. I doubt peanuts, but who knows. She had this horrible fever and cramps and diarrhea every 2 hours for 6 days. She announced a "really hard to do poop" today, so we are happy. She also told me she had peanut butter crackers at school today. HELLLLOOOOO! I will take her to one of their houses and leave her if it starts again! I will try to get some new pics this weekend. Tonight, Sophia tried to close the door on Ella and said "Go away!" Seriously. Tara asked her what she wanted for breakfast yesterday and expected her to say a) nothing or b) uhmmmm, no!. Instead she she "uhmmmm yogurt". She is also mastering the "So- feeeeah". Everytime you ask her what her name is she says "Annie!" While her middle name is Anne,we have never called her Annie. Yesterday, Ella had a screaming, crying fit when I got home. Tara was changing Sophia. She put her down on the floor and she looked up and said" Ella....crying." We laughed and then she said "Ella Bad". She has so much stinking personality!!!!! Tripp is out of town on an audit. He's missing out!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Snow?? Barely!

Well, in typical South Carolina fashion, just the thought of snow made everyone freak out and cancel like every school in the state. We did actually get snow, but it didn't stick much at our house. At least the girls got to play in it a little bit. Sophia looks like she just stood there on the deck and looked around! Thanks to Supernanny for taking the pics. It was super cold from about 11-2 pm, then warmed up again. I say super cold, but I mean that in the South Carolina sense of the phrase. Not the Chicago, NY, Maine type of cold!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

The World According to Ella #11

"Momma-look it's the Miracle Flag!It's so pretty!" (the american flag)

Ella was telling my Mom the other night on the phone about her biking adventures. I was sitting next to her when I heard her say, "then I got a cocky and fell". I thought she meant "cockeyed", so I corrected her. She said "No, Tara said I fell 'cause I got cocky".

Princess on Wheels

Ella finally tried out her new bike, thanks to Supernanny. She was already a pro by the time I got home to see her new accomplishment. Sophia inherited the tricycle, but can't do a thing with it. The video is slow, but the best part is the end. If you can't hear it, Ella says "Uh, I think I need to finish my schoolwork."

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Just an update

Not much new to report. I am on call tonight, but I got to see the girls before bed and read them bedtime books. Ella is so grown up now. She can dress herself, put on most shoes, deal with the TV remote, help with her sister, dry herself off and clean up the bath toys, and best of all, she has finally learned to buckle her carseat all by herself. Sophia is obsessed with the top buckle-in her carseat, her booster seat at the table, other people's carseats, etc. She is talking so much more. She looked at me the other day after she finished her plate (eating with a fork!) and said "I done." "Fork"-then handed it to me. "Pate" then pushed her plate to me. She then says "Peeez. Down Peeez." So precious.Ella is so good with her- she can distract her from bad things, entertain her, help boost her onto the couch when the evil vaccuum comes out, help propel her out of her carseat in the van, always shares her treats with her. Sophia can't handle the baggie snacks yet ( like O's, etc). So , I give Ella the bag and she controls it, hands her some, etc. She is fairly good at sharing, but still sometimes yanks a toy she wants out of Sophia's hands, which leads to a breakdown. Sophia is a DRAMA queen. Ella, at her age, was bad- made me question getting pregnant the second time. Sophia listens when you tell her no, count to 3, etc, but has a freakin breakdown about anything that doesn't go her way. If you take the sippy cup from her, to FILL it up, she loses it. We ignore her, but it isn't working. I guess she will have to grow out of it. She is also very people specific- she loves certain people, and certain people only, right now. She did better at a party last week and was holding on to random people's hands, hugging people's legs, etc. She is just so darn sweet. Her smile melts me.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Some sad singing

We all went to the dept chair's house on Friday for some karaoke (?sp) fun. Only a few were brave enough to sing. Yes, Tripp was one of them.Ella also made a new friend, Ashley. They had fun running around in circles and playing ballerina. Ella sang her ABC's, Oh, Susanna and her favorite, The Lord's Prayer. If you are wondering, its not that we are that religious. I think Tripp is going to sell her for weddings or something- at night, she says her prayers, then they sing it together. She is not AT ALL afraid to sing in front of a crowd. That's my girl..

The Lord's Prayer...and a bubble.

I really debated as to whether I should post this or not, but Big Daddy said we HAD to. So, turn up the volume and listen. The singing is a little off, the the end is hilarious and I love her laugh!!