There was some fun had at Thanksgiving...before all the puking. We went to a very busy yuppy park in downtown Atlanta. I have seriously NEVER seen some many kids at one small public park. It was nuts. Lots of daddies there...weird. We also went to my sister Heather's friends house for a playdate. Luckily, there 2 yr old twins did NOT get our love. They had a lot of fun playing. Mallory and Taylor were still asleep (tryptophan coma) when we got to their house. Ella kept harrassing them to get the "little kids up", so they did. You know how kids are when they first wake up, when someone else wakes them up.... It was cute. They sat down and watched Calliou (?sp). Of course, Ella demands a snack, so I pulled out a baggy of cheerios. The twins were immediately wanting O's. So, Ella shared a few. Then Kevin got out some goldfish. They still weren't satisfied, so he put goldfish in Ella's bag and then put a small handful of O's in their snack cups. Ella tried to act like a gracious sharing child. I even saw her take the last few O's from her bag and put them in Mallory's cup. Next thing you know she is having a breakdown because "those kids ate all my cheerios.....". Kids.

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