Well, Big Daddy and the girls went to the SC Fair today, along with most of SC...The weather was beautiful and the Ella had a ball! Sophia, despite zero nap, was wonderful!! She only insisted on getting out of the stroller twice in 5 hours. She tried to nap, but there were just too many distractions! All together, we ate: a Jumbo french fry, big pepsi x3, italian sausage dog, black cherry ice cream, a lemonaid, one elephant ear with cinnamon sugar, and a bag of cotton candy (which Ella managed to deflate on the way to the car). The first ride Ella wanted to ride I knew she would hate once she was on. She insisted, so I took her. It was this bus that went in circles up in the air, then backwards. I got her through the forward ride by screaming, but the backwards part she couldn't handle. I have neverrrrr seen her so scared in her entire life. Her whole body was shaking and holding on for dear life. But, our girl is brave and she got right on another ride! When we got off, she said, "They should tell you its gonna be really scary...". We didn't lose anyone and everyone made in home in one piece. We weren't even out of the parking lot and Sophia was asleep.

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