Tripp paged me 911 the other day during my lunch conference and before an afternoon of clinic. My heart was pounding. I thought, at least Tara isn't the one paging me. Well, when I called him he was all panicky and said that Sophia had cut her hand and Tara wasn't sure if it needed stitches because it wouldn't stop bleeding. Apparently, they were on an adventure at Tara's house and they were having a tea party with her roommates' daughter's porcelain tea set. Sophia was walking around with it in the kitchen and fell. It broke in her hand and she bled all over the kitchen floor, counter, sink, on her top, bottom, and shoes. She kept pulling off bandaids and it kept bleeding. She had it in her hair and on her face. When they got to my office, poor Sophia looked like she had been a stand-in in a horror movie.All the nurses were shocked. She smiled at me, then the smell hit me. She had pooped a nasty, sticky, wet poop that had soaked through her pants. So, we took her in our treatment room and stripped her down. She was hollaring louder than the kids next door getting allergy shots. Bad news was, we had no clothes for the queen. I ran warm water in the sink and she washed her little bloody hands again and again. When I finally got a look, it looked like a very deep paper cut. Thank goodness, because she was have been a bear to stitch. Just kept bleeding because she kept pulling off the band-aids and I bet it hurt like stink. Well, it also happened to be the coldest day of the year so far. We had no other choice but to wrap her in a adult patient gown and run her to the car. She survived.
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