Sunday, September 28, 2008

Beach Babies

We decided to take the girls to Isle of Palms today. They had a ball! Sophia was covered in sand and Ella was so busy making "boy friends" that she couldn't get in any trouble. Despite two applications of SPF 50 sunscreen, my babies got a little sunkissed! Mom and I enjoyed an illegal beverage under the umbrella and watched Sophia eat sand covered crackers..yuck. Sophia fell asleep on the way home (about 2 minutes after getting in the car) and Ella didn't fight her pm nap like she normally did. All in all, a great weekend!

1 comment:

Catherine Williams said...

Too too cute, Brandi! They are so big, I can't believe it!! I don't think I've seen either of them since Christmas!! :( I'll be home, soon, though!