No, Heather isn't a man. This is what Sophia decided to call her boyfriend, Shawn, when they came to visit last weekend.Both Ella and Sophia mix up my sisters names. Actually, they call them both Heather for some reason. Sophia played shy with both of them, but then managed to weasel her way into Shawn's lap. She flirted all day with him and paid little attention to Heather. We had a nice brunch at IHOP with the rest of Columbia and then they headed back to Atlanta.
This weekend, Melissa came to visit. Sophia calls her Lissa, which is better than LaLa. She had a wedding in Columbia and had dinner with friends on Friday. Ella loved putting puzzles together with her and desperately wanted Mel to sleep with her. The weather has been awful here. Tripp took Ella to church and Starbucks this AM and then we all went to brunch. It was 25 minutes away and took forever! Both girls are down for naps and then we are going to a visitation for one of my attendings who lost there Mom last week. By we I mean my friend, Jennifer and me. The girls will be playing with her boys. Ella is in "love" with her oldest son, Landon. If you ask her who her boyfriend is she blushes and says, "Lannndon". They are sweet boys. Big Daddy is working hard on taxes and audits and looks forward to May!!!

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