Thursday, August 28, 2008

In His Pants?

Just remembered something about our preschool meeting today. All the parents and children were filtering in the sanctuary for the initial meeting and they had some children's bible songs playing. Quite loudly,actually.Ella didn't know most of the songs, so she was trying to pick up some words. Just as the director was calling the meeting to attention and the music was getting softer, she is finally able to hear the words. She stands up in the pew and says (VERY loudly), "Momma, God had WHAT in his PANTS?? ( i.e- he's got the whole world in his hands...) My sweet, sweet Ella...


Ashleigh said...

I just got a good "belly laugh" from that one. She is so funny!

ctengia said...

Hilarious! Heather shared us your blog, Brandi, and it's AWESOME! :) Love those sweet baby girls.
-Carrie (Red Hair)

Kacy said...

That was great! She reminds me of my dear McCanless! Love reading about your precious girls!
Kerri Pennington