Saturday, July 18, 2009

Beach Fun

We have been soaking up the sun at the beach recently. The girls and I were in Charleston for my "pre- real job vacation" in June while Big Daddy worked. We went to the beach a few days, the pool a few days and spent a lot of time with one of my closest friends from college. Kristin has a little boy, Will, who is Sophia's age. They had a great time. This is the first year, since 2005, that I actually have a tan. This past weekend we were in Chas again to see my grandfather, aunt and uncle from PA. The girls were so cute. They just surrounded my grandfather, "GG Pa" and played in the sand with him. They stayed an extra day and Supernanny picked them up. Tripp is at his two week AT training in GA, so its just us! Last night we had dinner and playtime with one of our close friends (and prev co-fellow), Jennifer and Hal. They have 3 boys (5-4-1) and the girls just love them. Pool party today at my bosses house. At some point we should probably pack. WE'RE MOVIN! Yes, we are headed to Lexington. It isn't the location I wanted, but its the house I wanted and the school district we needed. Pics soon. We are hoping to close on the 5 th of August.
Update on the girls. Sophia is talky, talky, talky now. She is really funny and a little less clumsy. She is rebelling against all dinner. I have decided I am only cooking one meal- they can eat it or not. She is thinning out and looks so cute with her tan lines. She is obsessed with saying " shiny hiney" right now. She told a total stranger at the beach shower not to look at her "shiney hiney". The lady just laughed. Ella is trying to learn to read, but she really is just trying to guess the words based on the pics. We are working on it a little when we can. Supernanny is working on some during the day. She jumps off the diving board with her swimmies and loves to swim. She is obsessed with showing off her shoulders and back in her clothes. THAT is a problem. Not sure where she saw or heard that. Certainly not from us. I asked her why- she said because they are beautiful....

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